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Liposarcoma in the spermatic cord presenting as an inguinal swelling

	author = {Maria Feldborg Bruun Andersen and Mikkel Fode and Anette Pedersen Pilt and Nessn Htum Majeed Azawi},
	title = {Liposarcoma in the spermatic cord presenting as an inguinal swelling},
	journal = {Translational Andrology and Urology},
	volume = {6},
	number = {5},
	year = {2017},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Liposarcoma in the spermatic cord is a rare condition with an incidence of 1 per 2.5 million. The condition can present as paratesticular pain and a quick diagnosis is important in order to ensure proper treatment and to improve the prognosis. We describe a case of a 69-year-old man who suffered from long-lasting swelling in the inguinal area and experienced increasing pain through a period of 2 weeks. Due to increasing pain and fast growing swelling, an exploration of the inguinal area was performed and peroperatively a tumour in the spermatic cord was found. Subsequent histological examination revealed a de-differentiated liposarcoma.},
	issn = {2223-4691},	url = {}