Erratum to effects of recipient education disparity on living donor kidney transplant outcomes across different ethnic groups: a retrospective study in the United States

Erratum to effects of recipient education disparity on living donor kidney transplant outcomes across different ethnic groups: a retrospective study in the United States

Editorial Office

Translational Andrology and Urology

Correspondence to: Editorial Office. Translational Andrology and Urology. Email:

Submitted Jul 15, 2023. Accepted for publication Aug 17, 2023. Published online Aug 21, 2023.

doi: 10.21037/tau-2023-02

Erratum to: Transl Androl Urol 2023;12:1137-54

The above-mentioned article (1) published in volume 12, No 7 (July 2023) of Translational Andrology and Urology contained an error in the order of the authors’ affiliations.

The order of affiliations 1 and 2 should be reversed. Therefore, the correct order of the authors’ affiliations is:

Shuai Huang1,2#, Xinze Xia2,3#, Wenhui Lai1,2#, Xiaowei Hao2, Yangyang Wu2, Kaikai Lv2, Zhenjun Luo2,4, Elen Almeida Romão5, Gaetano Ciancio6, Chao Lv2, Qingyang Meng2, Tao Yu7, Qing Yuan2

1Department of Postgraduate, Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, China; 2Department of Urology, The Third Medical Center, Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Hospital, Beijing, China; 3Department of Urology, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, China; 4Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical University, School of Clinical Medicine, Weifang Medical University, Weifang, China; 5Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil; 6Department of Surgery, Urology, Miami Transplant Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA; 7Organ Transplant Management Division, The Third Medical Center, Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Hospital, Beijing, China

Click here to view the updated version of the article.

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  1. Huang S, Xia X, Lai W, et al. Effects of recipient education disparity on living donor kidney transplant outcomes across different ethnic groups: a retrospective study in the United States. Transl Androl Urol 2023;12:1137-54. [Crossref] [PubMed]
Cite this article as: Editorial Office. Erratum to effects of recipient education disparity on living donor kidney transplant outcomes across different ethnic groups: a retrospective study in the United States. Transl Androl Urol 2023;12(9):1475-1476. doi: 10.21037/tau-2023-02

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