MR 25. Intussusception vasoepidiymostomy with microsurgical techniques for treatment of obstructive azoospermia
Male Reproduction

MR 25. Intussusception vasoepidiymostomy with microsurgical techniques for treatment of obstructive azoospermia

Guanghai Wu, Zhongbiao Wu, Ji Zeng, Zhaohe Tan, Yi Wang, Ruzhu Wang, Yuming Huang, Fangguo Liu, Daoyun Xiao

Hainan Modern Male Hospital Surgery, Haikou Hainan 570206, China

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of longitudinal 2-suture Intussusceptive vasoepidiymostomy (LIVES) with microsurgical techniques for the treatment of obstructive azoospermia (OA).

Methods: From December 2009 to August 2011, 12 cases with OA received LIVES were analyzed retrospectively.

Results: After surgery 8 patients had sperm in the semen assay. Among them, 4 patients there spouse achieved pregnancy. Successful rate of operation was 66.7%.

Conclusions: The LIVES with microsurgical techniques iseficacious for the treatment of azoospemia of OA.

Key words

Longitudinal 2- suture intussusception; vasoepidiymostomy; obstuctive azoospemia; vasoepidiymostomy; microsurgical techniques

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2012.s118

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