AB108. Vascularized bone marrow transplantation with renal transplantation
Di Wei, Geng Zhang, Jianlin Yuan
Abstract: Since the first case of kidney transplant succeeded in 1954, the technology is relatively mature in renal transplant. After operation one year and five years of survival rate can reach more than 90% and 80%, respectively. But it still has to face rejection. The traditional way is to apply immune inhibitors to prevent rejection. But the side effects brought by the immunosuppressant seriously affects patients’ quality of life. So the induction of immune tolerance has become a research hotspot.
Vascularized bone marrow transplantation (VBMT) is developed on the basis of bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Its characteristic is with marrow stromal environment, which not only can provide cell nutrition, promoting cell growth, also can adjust and control function of lymphocytes. Possible explanation is that the complete bone marrow stromal cells produce different cytokines. These factors may have effects on hematopoietic stem cells, and promote their ability of proliferation differentiation. The other aspect, the bone itself is the part of the bone marrow stromal microenvironment, and osteoblast has a proliferous and differentiated effect on hematopoietic stem cells. At the same time, the bone marrow stromal cells can produce extracellular matrix, which can pass through specific surface receptors, promoting the information transfer between hematopoietic cells, stabilizing growth factor between the matrix and the hematopoietic cells. And many scholars have proved it in the unique effect of establishing the chimera and inducing immune tolerance.
Therefore, we can try to build VBMT in rats model of kidney transplantation, to explore the effect of VBMT in the induction of immune tolerance in renal transplantation, and research the mechanism.
Keywords: Renal transportation; vascularized bone marrow transplantation; immune tolerance
doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2014.s108