AB137. The efficacy of a new vasovasostomy technique in the rat
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AB137. The efficacy of a new vasovasostomy technique in the rat

Ruzhu Lan, Wei Dong, Jihong Liu

Department of Urology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430030, China

Objective: To observe the efficacy of a new vasovasostomy technique with running suture on the back wall and interrupted suture on the anterior wall of vas in the rat.

Methods: Ten Sprague Dawley rats, aged 3-6 month, were used. Rat was anesthetized, and abdomen was opened, vas was dissected and cut, then vasovasostomy was performed with the new technique. At first the back wall of vas was performed continuous running-suture on the mucosa and inner muscle with 10 “0” nylon silk, then the anterior layer was interruptedly sutured, at last the seromuscular layer was sutured on the anterior wall and then on the back wall. After anastomosis, vas was cut from 1 cm distant from anastomotic site, testis and epidydimis were gently pushed to observe if seminal fluid was flowing out of the vas, and then examined with a microscope to confirm if sperms existed. At last vas was cut near the epidydimis and a needle was inserted into the vas lumen with the distant section of vas closed with a forceps, and saline was injected into the vas to observe if there was water leakage around the anastomotic site. Vas at the other side was managed with the same procedure above.

Results: A total of 20 vases in 10 rats were anatomized successfully with operation time from 30-90 minute. Patency was confirmed with both sperm existing at the distant anastomotic site and water testing without leakage.

Conclusions: The new vasostomy technique, with continuous running suture at the back wall and interrupted suture on the anterior wall, is an easy and efficacy method for vasovaostomy. It need not vas approximator and could be used in clinical practice in future.

Keywords: Vasovasostomy; running suture; patency; rats

doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2015.s137

Cite this abstract as: Lan R, Dong W, Liu J. The efficacy of a new vasovasostomy technique in the rat. Transl Androl Urol 2015;4(S1):AB137. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2015.s137

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