AB149. Opportunity selection of surgery for traumatic testicular dislocation: elective operation or emergency operation?
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AB149. Opportunity selection of surgery for traumatic testicular dislocation: elective operation or emergency operation?

Yisen Meng, Kai Zhang, Zhanju He, Jing Peng, Wei Yu, Jie Jin

Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China

Objective: Traumatic testicular dislocation is a rare entity. When to take surgical treatment for patients with blunt trauma is still controversial. This study is intended to investigate the surgical timing for closed traumatic testicular dislocation.

Methods: A review of the database of Urological Department, Peking University First Hospital was performed searching for traumatic testicular dislocation between Jan 1993 to Jul 2015 and the relevant literature was reviewed.

Results: Five cases of traumatic testicular dislocation were identified, with three on the left side and two on the right side. Diagnosis was suspected with the physical examination and confirmed by Doppler ultrasound. Two cases were operated shortly after trauma and three patients were operated 3-12 months later with assessing the viability of the testis by color Doppler imaging. All patients’ testicles were reserved. The testicular volume and blood flow were normal during a follow-up period for 6-36 months.

Conclusions: Elective operation can be chosen for closed traumatic testicular dislocation if the Doppler ultrasound confirmed the normal morphology and blood supply of injured testicles. With proper management, the prognosis of traumatic testicular dislocation is excellent.

Keywords: Blunt scrotal trauma; testicular dislocation; elective operation; emergency operation

doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2015.s149

Cite this abstract as: Meng Y, Zhang K, He Z, Peng J, Yu W, Jin J. Opportunity selection of surgery for traumatic testicular dislocation: elective operation or emergency operation? Transl Androl Urol 2015;4(S1):AB149. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2015.s149

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