AB006. Penile preserving and reconstructive surgery
Plenary Session

AB006. Penile preserving and reconstructive surgery

Arthur L. Burnett

Department of Urology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Abstract: Penile preserving and reconstructive surgery is applied in the management of the primary tumor in penile cancer as well as severe genital anomalies or loss. Its indications relate to preserving successful sexual relationships and retaining quality of life. For penile cancer, it is acknowledged that the historical “gold standard” of surgical amputation of the penis that results in penile disfigurement or emasculation should not be uniformly accepted. The option of organ-preserving treatment is possible when oncologically feasible. With penile preservation, the objective is to maintain penile length, appearance and sensation as well as urethral integrity. For the low-risk primary tumor in penile cancer, determinants of the treatment plan involve the pathological definition of the disease and discussion with the patient regarding preference based on informed counseling and understanding of comparative risks (oncologic efficacy versus morbidity). Innovative surgical options for penile preservation include wide local excision, glansectomy, and glans resurfacing. Surgical reconstructive techniques, as dictated by the extent of the penile defect, include primary closure, closure using skins flaps and grafts, penile lengthening and/or enhancement, and neophalloplasty.

Keywords: Penile; reconstruction; primary tumor

doi: 10.21037/tau.2016.s006

Cite this abstract as: Burnett AL. Penile preserving and reconstructive surgery. Transl Androl Urol 2016;5(Suppl 1):AB006. doi: 10.21037/tau.2016.s006

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